Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said that the Kingdom of God belongs to children! We believe the primary role of discipling children belongs to parents, and it is our desire to equip parents (& guardians) and to partner with them to train up their children in the way of the Lord.
In order to accomplish this, we do the following during our Sunday Morning Gatherings:
During our Corporate Worship Time, we intentionally keep families together so that parents (& guardians) can teach their children about worship and model what it looks like to participate in it. We, also, provide Children's Bulletins and crayons as a resource to parents (& guardians) to help occupy their children with God-focused activities.
During our Message portion of the Gathering, we provide the following Children's Ministry:
Nursery for babies & toddlers
Pre-School for children 3 years old through kindergarten
Children's Church for children 1st - 6th grades
We, also, have set apart our balcony area as a place for families with young children
so that parents can feel free to allow their children to play quietly on the floor.
In order to accomplish this, we do the following during our Sunday Morning Gatherings:
During our Corporate Worship Time, we intentionally keep families together so that parents (& guardians) can teach their children about worship and model what it looks like to participate in it. We, also, provide Children's Bulletins and crayons as a resource to parents (& guardians) to help occupy their children with God-focused activities.
During our Message portion of the Gathering, we provide the following Children's Ministry:
Nursery for babies & toddlers
Pre-School for children 3 years old through kindergarten
Children's Church for children 1st - 6th grades
We, also, have set apart our balcony area as a place for families with young children
so that parents can feel free to allow their children to play quietly on the floor.

Sunday Mornings
10 :00 a.m.
Welcome, Announcements & Corporate Worship last around 45 minutes.
Message & Ministry last around 45 minutes
Message & Ministry last around 45 minutes